meets at the SALISBURY CAMPUS of Hope Central

84 Goddard Drive, Salisbury Park

During School terms 'Youth Overflow' is for High school-aged kids and meets each week during the school term for fun, encouragement, support and Godly input as we learn and grow in Christ. You are always welcome to join us - bring your friends too! Weekly events are posted on Facebook



7-9pm $5 - Sign in by your Adult

Caleb McMullan



Our Young Adults get together twice a month for small groups. You can grab a flyer with all the details from the info area. Or speak to Lachie Downing for more info.

or, For more info and to get connected DM us on socials or join the Facebook group HCYA HANGS.


Hope Central Young Adults

Living fearlessly guided by His grace! Young Adult community of @hopecentralaustralia

See socials for details HCYA.gawler


Hope Central believes that Christians have a Biblical responsibility of being good stewards of all that God provides, including finances.


Hope Central is pleased to offer a completely FREE Money Management course which is run in small groups.  The course offers sound money management budgeting skills, advice, and practical help.


One-to-one financial counselling is also available for those struggling with debt.


The course is run from time to time by Pastor Dave Washington.  To find out when the next course is running, or if you need personal financial counselling. To make a booking or enquire further please call Hope Central Head office on (08) 82529011


At Younique, we celebrate everyones' uniqueness. Younique is a safe community for families and individuals, with additional needs to come together in worship...

Supporting people with disabilities who enjoy having fun together with different activities and making friends.

Activities include: Movies, Bowling, Dancing, Giant board games.

Younique Active meets on the SECOND & FOURTH TUESDAY’s of the month. Time: 11:30 - 1:30 pm Disabled access, amenities & Cafe open for coffee or lunch.

Younique is held at Hope Central 51 Goodman Road, Elizabeth South

Enquiries sms Ashley 0404 082 871

Email Ashley about how younique fits you and your family.



Pastor Ashley, along with his wife Anna, are passionate to see ALL people connect and feel part of God’s church, especially people with a disability.

Ashley has had many years of experience working in the disability sector, where he felt the call of God to minister to people with special and additional needs.

Together, Anna and Ashley, want to see people come back to church who have found connecting with others difficult due to their own challenges. Anna and Ashley’s heart is to see people come back to a relaxed, friendly and welcoming environment. No matter what your experience with church has been in the past, we guarantee you’re going to be loved and welcomed into the Younique family. So, Come and join us as we celebrate everyone as Younique.

What is Younique?

Ps 139:14 - The Psalm tells us that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made.

At Younique, we celebrate everyone's uniqueness. Younique is a safe community for families and individuals, with additional needs to come together in worship, purpose and life. We have a weekly church service and a Younique Connect group.

Join us every Sunday, 2:00 pm at our Elizabeth Campus for this modified church service, where everyone is welcome, cared for and loved in a supportive environment. Everyone has the opportunity to be involved, whether you want to sing on stage, play and instrument, or perhaps you may want to greet people at the door, we believe everyone has a gift that they can share with other at Younique.

The fourth Sunday of the month is Younique Cafe, which is at 2pm. This is an opportunity for people to get together and share a meal and build connections. You can buy or bring your own lunch.

Then every 2nd and 4th Tuesday evening at 7pm, we get together again for our connect group where we will do and activity together, like 10 pin bowling or have a movie night, it is a great opportunity to just hang out with friends and have fun.

Can’t wait to see you there. Check us out on socials. Younique Hope Central Facebook and Instagram.


Pastor Ashley

E: YOUNIQUE@hopecentral.org.au
See our Instagram page - Younique Hope Central



Kids inC is a FUN - SAFE - JESUS focussed environment and is held at each location during the Sunday service.

GAW 10 AM - ELIZ 10 AM - SALS 4 PM

KIDS AT HOME is where you’ll find our curriculum for each month.


1. Building relationships and friendships in small and large groups.

2. Bible learning through music, games and activities.

3. Teaching kids to see beyond themselves and their community.

Jesus said...

Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

Matthew 19:14


February 2025

God is one of a kind—with no beginning and no end. Everything God has created is unique, including people. Every person is an original reflection, made in the image of God.


This topic of uniqueness has the potential to bring up many different emotions and responses between kids as well as leaders. What a beautiful opportunity to love others where they’re at while conveying the truth that they were created in the image of God.

W E E K 1

We start the month in Psalm 139:1-14 where King David has just written a psalm about God’s love for us. Since the beginning, we were created in the image of God. God knew and formed the deepest parts of us, and as image bearers, God loves us no matter what.

Bottom Line: God made you, knows you, and loves you. Have you ever done one of those icebreaker questions that asks what is one thing no one else knows about you? You can probably think of at least one or two fairly quickly, but here’s the thing: God knows us better than anyone else, including ourselves. We were created by God with so much love and care. Because of that we can live holding on to that truth that we are seen.

W E E K 2

In week 2, we head to Exodus 3–4:15 for the story of Moses. Moses had been through a LOT in his life. He was born as an Israelite but raised in the Egyptian Pharoah’s household, and when he grew older, Moses sinned and ran away from his home. Yet God saw Moses and had created him for more than he could ever imagine. Even though Moses didn’t see how special he was, God used Moses to make a difference in the lives of so many people.

Bottom Line: God made you to make a difference. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but were too scared to do because you thought either someone else was better at it or that you weren’t good enough? Sometimes our fears can get in the way of the good God wants to do through us, but God has called us for so much more. We can make a difference because that’s how God created us.

W E E K 3

In week 3, we head to Acts 16:13-15, where we find a successful businesswoman named Lydia. On Paul’s second journey, he headed to Philippi where he found Lydia and a group of women gathered together to pray. Paul shared the news of Jesus with Lydia, and she used her gifts to serve the believers.

Bottom Line: Use your gifts to make a difference. Can you sing or dance? Maybe you are great at encouraging others or helping them with their homework. Everyone has something they can offer or contribute to this world that helps someone else, whether it’s a big gift or a small one. So how can you use your gifts to impact someone else today?

W E E K 4

We end the month in 1 Timothy 4:12, where we learn about Timothy and the work he did with Paul. Timothy was young, and he could have let that stop him from helping Paul carry out the mission of sharing Jesus with others. Yet Timothy chose to be brave and let God use him to teach others about Jesus in spite of his age.

Bottom Line: You can make a difference right now. Can you think back to the first time you helped your adult complete a big task such as painting the house or moving? Or maybe you helped to load the dishwasher or folded laundry? Your adult was probably really happy about having you help even when it didn’t seem like much to you. God can use whatever we have, no matter the age to help someone else