-Psalm 103-
Today’s Goal- To forgive others as Christ forgives me.
Today’s bible scripture- Read Psalm 103
Reflect- ‘He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.’ Psalm 103:12 Consider the account in Matthew 18 when Peter asked Jesus how many times he was required for forgive others.
Pray- Ask God for a renewed perspective on forgiveness and that it would be the first thought when offended. Forgive those who have wronged you and give thanks to God for his forgiveness of yours.
Challenge activity- try the activity as outlined in the video either today or in the next few days. Find some shells or small rocks, give them the names of people you know, think on the hurt and transgressions made against you from these people, and cast them out into the waters, physically forgiving them. Alternatively, picture in your minds eye this activity and play out the activity with your imagination.