Day 16 Worship Journey

-Psalm 46-

Today’s Goal- To meditate on God’s character in silence.

Toady’s video

Today’s bible passage- Psalm 46

Consider- The Psalmist describes a scene of turmoil and chaos but acknowledges God as a source of strength and refuge. In the midst of it he becomes aware of God in the silence. Why is it so hard just to simply sit in silence and contemplate God?

Pray- Give gratitude to God for his desire to make himself known. Thank him for his character, exalt him for who he is.

Today’s activity challenge- Turn everything off, tv, computer, phone, anything that can provide a distraction from sitting in silence. Read through Psalm 46 again and sit in silence for five to ten minutes, longer if you can, simply contemplating God as a source of strength, as your refuge.