Today’s Goal- To initiate a practise schedule for spiritual disciplines.
Today’s bible reading- 1 Timothy 4:7-10; Matthew 6:1-24
Today’s video
Consider- Practising is a form of exercise where you build up strength through repetition in order to grow towards mastery in an area. Practising spiritual disciplines (prayer, fasting, giving, silence, studying God’s word..) will increase your awareness of God and your desire to see him in all of your situations.
Today’s challenge activity- The idea of practising spiritual disciplines can seem daunting, but just like getting motivated to go to the gym, it’s best done with a gym partner. Text/email/call someone who you can practise disciplines with. Work out a schedule that suits you both and hold each other to it, motivating and encouraging one another as you grow in your awareness of God. Work out a plan for praying, reading God’s word, fasting, etc..
Pray- Thank God for his continued presence in your life and that by practising spiritual disciplines you will become more aware of him in your life. Pray for the right ‘gym partner’ to practise with and encourage you and who in turn you can encourage