Day 25 Worship Journey


Today’s Goal- To be prayerful of the list of people you are praying for.

Selah- Scholars of the Bible have tried to determine the meaning of the word Selah which appears 74 times in the Old Testament. Some believe it is a musical term meaning ‘silence’ or  ‘pause’, while others interpret Selah to mean ‘to lift up, exalt’.

Today’s video

Today’s bible reading- Mark 12:28-34

Consider- Our love of God can also be seen in our love for others.

Pray- Thank God for his character, his love for you and how he has revealed his nature through his son Jesus. Pray for the people on your list.

Today’s activity challenge- Spend a moment just considering God’s love for you. Dwell on his word and the words he has used in the bible to describe his love for you. Thank him for his presence, for the opportunities in your day to reveal Christ.

Text/email/call your spiritual gym partner and encourage them, praying together for the people on your lists.