Devotion Day 12


by Pastor Karen Runjo

I used to work at a school in the city and late in November, the jacaranda trees lining the street would bloom. I loved rounding the corner to be greeted by a visual spectacular of blue-purple flowers heralding the coming of Christmas. The excitement it created as they announced and brought to remembrance this soon-coming event – Christmas! 

What is it about our lives that announces the wonderful coming of the Saviour into our lives? What is it about our lives that announce a soon-coming King?

“In the same way, let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” Matthew 5:16

Good deeds can point people to our Father in Heaven. I think the ‘glow’ of our lives should too: God’s supernatural peace, strength or comfort that shines through when we face troubled times or experience difficulties, for example, or how we treat people because of God’s love for them

Prayer thought:

Why not pray today about something you could do to shine light into someone else’s life? Your talent might be a good place to start – baking, drawing, fixing something for someone, taking someone out for a burger, writing a note of encouragement, a gift from your garden or helping with gardening, having a family/individual over your place or organising a fun activity to do with them.