faith filled

Devotion Day 13

Jesus Calms the Storm

by Pastor Karen Runjo

We have read the bible account; we have heard sermons about it; we sing songs about it. It all sounds logical, and faith-filled until we are feeling the whip of the wind and feel the earth-moving roll of stormy waves. Where is God? How could this be happening? When will this end? Will I be ok?

In every storm (in theory) there is an eye. A centre where the effects of the storm are not felt – where peace reigns despite the surrounding reality. Take hold of peace – his name is Jesus. He will surround you with His peace despite the circumstances around you.

Just as demons knew (and know) who Jesus was and the reality of his power and authority over them in biblical accounts, as the chorus says: the waves and wind today, also, still know his name.

“For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities... He is before all things and in him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:16,17)

Prayer thought:

Read Matthew 8:23-27

Make a list of all the wave and wind (storm) situations in your life right now, or in the lives of your loved ones. Pray for the Prince of Peace to intervene in these situations – to cease the storms or give you peace and strength to travel through them. Ask him to speak to you about them also – words of comfort and encouragement.