May all who seek you
rejoice and be glad in you!
May those who love your salvation
say evermore, “God is great!”
Psalm 70: 4
Consider: Curiosity and awareness takes practise. Being aware of God’s constant presence and how he reveals himself throughout the mundane activities of our day needs to be refreshed constantly. With practise we will find ourselves always in the practise of being aware of God’s presence, living a life of being fascinated with Jesus as he continually reveals something new of His nature. God’s desire is to be found, to be seen, he is like a child playing hide and seek, standing in the the middle of the room pretending to not be seen, only to be found be you every time.
Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-6; Psalm 27:4
Pray: That your curiosity and fascination for God increases. That you be made aware of God’s continued presence throughout your day.
Activity: Pay particular attention to the things that take your breath away today. It could be a beautiful sunset, or an unusual eye colour, a child’s laughter, an elegant design, or a moving piece of music. Be mindful of the beauty around you and give thanks to God.