Scripture: John 6:1-40
Consider: What goes into the preparation of a nutritious meal? Are the easiest meals to prepare always nutritious? Eating nutritiously is a habit and requires discipline to maintain, but what are the benefits of eating healthily? Can one maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating one nutritious meal a week, but forgoing all other healthy meals in favour of fast food? What preparation do we need to make and cultivate for our spiritual diet?
Pray: Thank Jesus for his perfect representation of our loving Father God who is our bread of life. Renew your devotion to Him and thank Him for your salvation.
Activity: Just as you would lay out the ingredients and utensils for cooking a meal. Lay out the resources in preparation for meals with God. Place your bible somewhere where you can see it and read it at various intervals in your day. Set goals or reading challenges using an app. Ask friends about what spiritual books they’ve been reading and perhaps even read them together, communicating with each other about what you are discovering. Pack scriptures into your bag, or activate them as reminders on your phone at various intervals throughout your day.